5 Things A Man Must Have Before Marriage

When considering marriage, there are several key elements a man might consider ensuring he has in place to support a stable and secure relationship....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE


Here are five things a man should ideally have before deciding to get married:

A stable job
A reliable source of income is fundamental before entering into marriage. This not only provides financial security but also supports the traditional role of a provider. Having a stable job means less stress and more focus on nurturing the relationship.

Investments and emergency fund

Financial preparedness goes beyond earning a regular salary. Investments can grow wealth over time, providing long-term security, while an emergency fund is crucial for unexpected financial crises.


Together, these financial buffers can significantly reduce the stress caused by economic uncertainties.

Salary insurance
Also known as income protection insurance, this can be invaluable in the event of job loss or inability to work due to illness or injury. It provides financial stability and peace of mind, knowing that you and your family can maintain your lifestyle during difficult times.

A place of your own

Having a separate living space from parents or relatives is crucial for the independence of a new family. It allows for privacy and the development of a couple’s unique household dynamics without external interference, fostering stronger bonding and partnership.

Handyman skills
Knowing basic maintenance and repair skills such as carpentry or plumbing can be extremely beneficial.

These skills not only save money on home repairs but also add a sense of competence and self-sufficiency. Moreover, in tough times, these skills can be a supplementary source of income.

These elements help lay a solid foundation for a marriage, ensuring that a man is not just ready emotionally but also well-prepared to handle the practical aspects of a shared life.