7 Different Ways To Increase Your Sperm Count

According to MedicalNewsToday, around forty percent of the reproductive issues that disturbed couples have are the consequence of male infertility. This demonstrates that despite the fact that men often place responsibility for infertility difficulties on their spouses, the problem may really start with the guy....Read The Full Story Here ▶

A low sperm count is one of the most significant contributing factors that might lead to male infertility.

Sperm counts of 15 million per millilitre are considered to be the sweet spot for male fertility, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

It is possible that many men who seem to be in good condition are afflicted by this issue, and the only method to ascertain an individual’s precise sperm count is to do a medical check on the individual’s sperm.

The vast majority of specialists are in agreement that, out of all of the many methods that may be used, increasing your sperm count naturally is the approach that yields the finest results.

The following are some of the treatments that, according to MedicalNewsToday and other health websites, have the potential to be useful in overcoming the difficulties caused by a low sperm count:

1. Quit smoking:

Smoking was shown to consistently diminish sperm count, according to a meta-analysis that was conducted in 2016 and looked at the data of over 20 research involving a total of almost 6,000 individuals.

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According to the findings of the study, those who smoked a moderate or substantial quantity of tobacco had a worse quality of sperm in comparison to individuals who smoked tobacco less heavily.

2. Participation in regular physical activities:

It has been established that participating in regular physical activity may increase blood flow, which is essential for the typical development of sperm.

2. Get a decent night’s sleep:

Sleeping helps the body restore lost energy and maintain healthy cell function.

It has been suggested that increasing the amount of time spent sleeping each night, from seven to nine hours, may lead to an increase in sperm production.

3. Refrain from engaging in excessive amounts of drug and alcohol use:

There are not many well-controlled research that have been done to investigate the connection between drug use and sperm health. This is due to the fact that testing illegal drugs may result in ethical issues.

One study from 2018 has, on the other hand, shown a connection between the widespread use of substances like alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine and a reduction in the generation of sperm. Given that there is contradictory data, further investigation is required to establish this connection.

4. Maintain a healthy diet:

The quality of your sperm might be affected by the nutrition that you consume. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats are excellent sources of the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the creation of the best possible sperm.

5. Get an enough amount of vitamin D:

In spite of this, the authors of the research stress the need of exercising care when interpreting the data, and they call for more clinical tests to validate their conclusions.

According to the findings of several studies, not getting enough calcium might also have a negative effect on sperm count.

6. Ensure you’re getting zinc and folate:

There is some evidence from a small number of studies that suggests taking zinc and folate together may increase the general health of sperm, including its concentration and count.

7. Stay away from some prescribed drugs:

Some drugs available only with a doctor’s prescription have been shown to have an adverse effect on healthy sperm production. However, after the male patient quits taking the drug, their sperm count should either return to normal or even grow.

Thanks for reading.

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