The son of the renowned lawyer Afe Babalola, Gboyega Afe Babalola has married his lover, Amina, daughter of Abduljalil Tafawa Balewa from the Tafawa Balewa dynasty. Their ceremony was sealed at the Ansarudeen Mosque Maitama, Abuja on Friday. Former lawmaker, ...

A Kano based businessman, Abdullahi Yahaya has given insight into why some politicians in the north have been visiting Nigeria’s former president, General Muhammadu Buhari. Last Saturday, Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party in the 2023 ...

My name is Rachael, and I am 36 years old from Benin State. I got married to my lovely husband immediately after finishing my university education, and we were blessed with four female children. However, my husband threatened to abandon ...

Finidi George is reportedly eyeing a potential return to Nigerian football. George is set to land a new appointment in the Nigeria Premier Football League (NPFL), following his resignation as head coach of the Super Eagles due to tensions with ...

Steak has long been a symbol of culinary excellence, beloved for its rich flavors and tender texture. The image in question shows a thick cut of steak that immediately captures attention. Let’s delve into what makes a steak look so ...

Thomas and Sienna enjoyed the night to themselves. They celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary and took the time to reflect on all the lovely moments they had shared over the years, wishing each other many more to come. As is ...

Nigerian youths are gearing up for a nationwide protest against the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). The protest is aimed at condemning what they describe as the agency’s careless and unprofessional conduct while demanding a total reform. The protest ...

The Minister of Agriculture, Senator Abubakar Kyari, said the government of Saudi Arabia has expressed interest in setting up manufacturing factories in Nigeria for farming equipment. Kyari made this disclosure in a statement on his X (formerly Twitter) account on ...

Summer is my favorite season – I like the sun and the high temperatures. But not everyone appreciates the heat. Especially women, who suffer from swollen legs and feet during the hot summer months. When the heat rises, the blood ...

As women, we come to a point in life, where we want to stop messing around and learn how to find true love. This may also be the perfect time to set some goals for your love life, stop hanging ...

We can literally become furious when our core beliefs are challenged. One good starting point is recognizing the different types of reactions people have when faced with unbelievable stories. Be honest – have you ever gotten super angry about something ...

After a particularly trying week, one lucky Maryland teacher scored big when her husband decided to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket. Robyn Mejia and her husband only play the lottery once a year, but their 2022 ticket has well exceeded ...

Life has a remarkable way of presenting second chances to those who need them the most. A heartwarming story has emerged, shedding light on the transformative power of compassion and the possibilities that come with a fresh start. In a ...

This is something that’s taken from the nightmares: being trapped inside your own body, completely aware of your surroundings and not being able to communicate with anyone. When Martin Pistorius was 12, he went into a coma. For the next ...

Matcha is a finely ground powder made from specially grown and processed green tea leaves. It has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its unique flavor, vibrant color, and numerous health benefits. As more people incorporate matcha into ...

Titled in the final of the men’s 45 year old category after abandoningAlexandre Martinatto (6/1, 1-0 ab.) Steave Portel won his very first French championship title. A satisfaction, coupled with a desire to continue on this path. “I have been ...

When Stacy became pregnant she was only a teenager. Still a child herself at just 15 years old when she gave birth to her son, she decided to place him for adoption. After she gave birth, he was taken away, ...

According to Medical News Today, prostate enlargement is a bit different from prostate cancer but it has several signs and symptoms that can negatively impact an individual’s life. It is medically referred to as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). The prostate ...

No fewer than 30 persons died, with over 100 injured when suicide bombers attacked wedding and funeral ceremonies in Borno state. The First Class Emir of Gwoza Local Government Area in Borno state, His Royal Highness, Alhaji Mohammed Shehu Timta, ...

While numerous clinical medicines from the mid 1900s have been eagerly exposed, a small bunch have figured out how to endure for the long haul. At the first spot on this list is the widely adored blue goo, Vicks VapoRub, ...