BREAKING: NFF Targets World Class Coach For Super Eagles After Denying Interest In Renard

The hierarchy of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) feels the way to rescue the Super Eagles world cup qualifiers campaign is by engaging the services of a world class coach. Reports came out in several media outlets about interest in luring celebrated coach Herve Renard to take over the reign of the Nigerian team, when he steps down from his role as coach of the women team of France after the Olympics in September....Read The Full Story Here ▶

However like we reported yesterday, the NFF has denied the report but a chieftain said talks are ongoing with a world class coach to take over the reign of the team. A move which he said won’t be hindered by finances.

” People say we don’t have money for a world class coach but we do. Even Jose Peseiro was among the highest earning coach while he was with us. So I don’t understand when people say we can’t afford a world class coach”, he said.

” We (NFF) have the former recommendation from the technical committee but it’s not a must to go with it. There is an opportunity to get a world class coach and we plan to take advantage of it”, he concluded.

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