Habits That Kill Sperm Cells, Types Of Food To Avoid And Foods To Eat Regularly

Over the past few years, the problem of infertility has been brought under reasonable control because to the advancements that have been made in technology and study. Studies have also verified that a significant portion of the blames that are typically placed completely at the feet of the female persons when there is infertility is being examined. This is as a result of revelations that in some circumstances, infertility is caused by issues that are associated with guys....Read The Full Story Here ▶

It has been noticed that a low sperm count and poor sperm quality are two of the most critical contributing factors in male infertility for the majority of men who struggle with this issue. According to the Mayo Clinic, a low sperm count is one of the most important factors in the majority of cases of infertility. This condition has the potential to reduce the likelihood that a man’s sperm will fertilize his partner’s egg and result in a baby.

A man is said to have a low sperm count when the semen ejaculated by a man during an orgasm contains fewer sperm than normal. This means that a man with a low sperm count would have fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. According to the Mayo Clinic, low sperm count can be caused by a number of factors. It is believed, however, that some men are still capable of fathering children by their partners despite having a value that is lower than the one that was previously indicated.

In spite of this, it is still important for a man to maintain healthy sperm cells in order to avoid some of the difficulties that are associated with infertility. The unfortunate reality is that many men have particular ways of living or routines that frequently result in the loss of their sperm cells. The following is an examination of few of these practices that, in accordance with the Mayo Clinic, should be avoided by men:

1. Drug use

Some men, in an effort to speed up their muscle development and increase their height, regularly engage in the practice of using anabolic steroids, which can include cocaine and marijuana. On the other hand, this is problematic for the men’s fertility because the pharmaceuticals in question frequently result in a reduction in the size of the testicles, a reduction in the generation of sperm, and a reduction in both the number and the quality of sperm.

2. Drinking alcohol

Although drinking alcohol may have some positive effects on the body, it is generally recommended that men keep their alcohol consumption to no more than two drinks per day. This is because drinking more than that would have the opposite effect on one’s health. Sperm is one of the things that can be adversely affected when men consume excessive amounts of alcohol. This is due to the fact that alcohol can lower the level of testosterone in males, which in turn leads to decreased sperm production.

3. Smoking

The damage that smoking does to a person’s sperm cells is in addition to the damage that it does to their lungs. According to the Mayo Clinic, smoking is associated with a reduced sperm count, and as a result, it is strongly recommended that men refrain from doing so.

4. A lack of participation in physical activities

If a guy has a sedentary lifestyle, which entails not engaging in any form of physical activity and sitting inactively for extended periods of time, that man is doing a tremendous disservice to his sperm cells. Sedentary lifestyles have been linked to an increased risk of infertility. This is due to the fact that such a man would be at risk of becoming obese, which can, in turn, have an immediate effect on sperm and create hormonal changes that diminish a man’s fertility.

5. An abnormally high temperature in the testicles

When men expose their testicles to temperatures that are too high, they run the risk of destroying their sperm cells and increasing their likelihood of being unable to have children. This information comes from the Mayo Clinic. This is due to the fact that elevated temperatures affect the function and generation of sperm, and elevated temperatures can occur when males sit for extended amounts of time, wear clothing that is too tight, or operate on a laptop computer for long lengths of time.

The consumption of nutritious food is an essential component in ensuring that sperm cells continue to be in good health. Some foods have been proven to be particularly detrimental to the health of sperm cells and should, as a result, be avoided or consumed in moderation by men. The following are some examples of foods that fall into this category:

1. Processed meats

Despite the fact that processed meats like hot dogs, sausage, and bacon are all delicious, it is not a good idea to consume them on a daily basis because of the effect they have on the body. This is particularly true for males. This is due to the fact that increasing consumption of these substances by men is associated with lower sperm counts and reduced sperm motility.

2. Trans fats

Studies have shown that trans fats have negative effects not just on the heart but also on the cells that make up sperm. This has the potential to significantly contribute to male infertility, as increased consumption of trans fats has been associated to lower sperm counts. Foods including cakes, cookies, pies, shortening, french fries, doughnuts, frozen pizza, and microwave popcorn all contain trans fats. Some of the worst offenders include cakes and cookies.

3. Soy product

It is important for both men and women to monitor their intake of soy and products made from soy because a high intake has been related to male and female infertility. Because soy products include phytoestrogens, consuming excessive amounts of these foods can dramatically reduce the amount of sperm in the body, which can result in infertility if the problem is not addressed.

4. High-fat dairy products

Men should also be careful not to overindulge in high-fat dairy products like whole milk, cream, and cheese, as doing so has been associated to lower sperm motility and aberrant sperm shape. These goods include cheese, cream, and whole milk.

After looking at some of the foods the consumption of which has been shown to have unfavorable effects on sperm cells and, thus, on male fertility, what are some of the foods the consumption of which has been shown to have positive impacts on sperm health? The following are some of the topics that will be covered:

1. Fish

Because of the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fatty fish like mackerel, tuna, herring, salmon, and sardines, it is commonly recommended that men consume fatty fish on a regular basis. This is because frequent consumption of these species has been associated to improved sperm motility.

2. Fruits and veggies

It is also recommended that you consume a large amount of foods such as green leafy vegetables and beans because these foods contain a high amount of antioxidants such as coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, and lycopene, and these nutrients are all linked to higher sperm concentrations and improved sperm motility.

3. Walnuts

Walnuts, along with the consumption of other nuts, should occupy a more prominent position in the meal plans of many men because it has been demonstrated that doing so is advantageous for male fertility. Studies have shown that eating walnuts is connected with considerable improvements in the viability of sperm.

4. Eggs

Eggs are considered a superfood, but apart from some of the health benefits that have come to be associated with their consumption, eggs also assist boost male fertility. This is because eggs contain a high amount of vitamin D, which is an essential mineral for fertility in both males and females

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