I will not remain silent: Muslim man who left his marriage says he did so because his wife beats & abuses him

A man identified as Merbaan Talib has vowed to serve as the voice of men who have been abused in their marriage as he spoke on his failed marriage....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE


In a now blown tweet he made on Friday, April 15, the father of two said his marriage was marred with domestic violence all through.

He tweeted:

“As a Muslim man I will probably be of a minority who speak up, nevertheless I will speak up. I left my ex because I was abused for the duration of my marriage. When I say abused I mean verbally, mentally & yes, physically. I will not remain silent for the men who suffer too.”

Netizens show solidarity with the man


@OTRhiannon said:

“So sorry you have been through this. Well done on speaking up on such an important issue and also leaving something toxic and harmful. Abuse is abuse and should not be tolerated in any form. May Allah grant you ease, Ameen.”

@asnaharis98 said:

“Yesss thank you for speaking up. Abuse can go both ways. This thought really scares me of marriage itself. I’m literally in my mind twenties and I don’t even have this butterfly effect of the concept of marriage. Wish i could explain it to my parents how much marriage scares me.”

@hamidukingu said:

“Been there experienced all that after financial crisis and I decide to quit, for few years I got scared of getting married ever again and I am still not married to Date cos I still fear to fall into the same trap,women can be mean especially when you face financial challenges.”

@NabsLone said:

“I know a lot of brothers who have endured this but are unwilling to share their stories due to societal and cultural issues and stigmas. You’re not alone bro.”