Jurisdictional Issues Raised As Court Maintains Status Quo On Kano Emirate Law Repeal

Justice Liman of the Federal High Court has granted an ex-parte order temporarily stopping the Kano State Government led by Governor Abba Yusuf from reinstating Muhammadu Sanusi II as the Emir of Kano. The order came in response to a suit filed by Sarkin Dawaki Babba, Aminu Babba-Dan’Agundi, seeking to prevent the reinstatement of Sanusi, who was dethroned in 2020 by the previous administration.....Read The Full Story Here ▶

According to reports from Daily Nigerian, Justice Liman issued several directives in the ex-parte order:

1) Parties were ordered to maintain the status quo ante the passage and assent of the bill to repeal the law that removed Sanusi, pending the hearing of the fundamental rights application.

2) An interim injunction was granted, restraining the respondents from enforcing, executing, implementing, and operationalizing the Kano State Emirate Law Council (Repeal) Law.

3) The plaintiff was granted leave to serve the court processes, including the originating motion, on the 6th defendant (Inspector General of Police) in Abuja.

4) The court acknowledged constitutional and jurisdictional issues apparent in the application, which will be addressed during the hearing of the fundamental rights application scheduled for June 3, 2024.

The judge emphasized the need to maintain peace and security in the state while adjourning the case to June 3, 2024, for the hearing of the fundamental rights application.

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