Minimum Wage: FG Shifts Ground On N60,000

The Federal Government says, in the national interest, it is ready to offer higher than 60,000 national minimum wage it earlier proposed to the tripartite committee deliberating on the issue. The government decision was made known at a meeting of the committee convened by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, after the organised labour embarked on indefinite strike to press its demand on the national minimum wage.....Read The Full Story Here ▶

In a circular jointly issued by the committee members at the end of the meeting, and made available to newsmen, it was disclosed that President Bola Tinubu expressed his commitment to a national minimum wage that is higher than 60,000 naira.

In attendance at the meeting were the Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, Minister of State for Labour and Employment Nkeiruka Onyejeocha.

For the Organised Labour President, Nigeria Labour Congress NLC, Joe Ajaero, President, Trade Union Congress TUC Festus Osifo.

It will be recalled that following the negotiation by the tripartite committee on national minimum wage and subsequent withdrawal of Labour from negotiation and it’s indefinite strike, the government had convened the meeting with labour.

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