Osimhen Fires Back At Super Eagles Coach Finidi George – You Can’t Stain My Name

“The Super Eagles is not my father’s own, if this will cause me to stop playing for the Super Eagles, no problem. I called Finidi George when he was appointed and told him, let’s do great things together. I call my teammates before match to encourage them but after two bad games, everyone is blaming me that wasn’t even part of the team.”...Read The Full Story Here ▶

“I get injury, in the last minute of our last match, I had an ankle injury that was confirmed on MRI.

I knew things like this would happen, I called Finidi immediately after meeting with the doctor and we both talked with Finidi.

I won’t allow any disrespect from anybody, I won’t allow that stain from anybody.

I always play my heart out for Nigeria”

“I asked Finidi George to allow me stay with the players in the camp but Finidi asked me not to bother that I should stay with my family.

Now after two bad games, everybody is now blaming me.

I know how many injuries I’ve played with for Nigeria and I played my heart out but after two bad games, everybody is attacking me.”

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