President Tinubu’s decision to bite the bullet now may allow history to judge him wisely—Kukah

Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah, the Catholic leader of the Sokoto Diocese, responded to President Tinubu’s claim that gasoline subsidies would be eliminated in an interview with Arise News. He claimed that if he decides to take the risk now, history might decide to judge him wisely……CONTINUE READING...CONTINUE READING

“The president will have to live with the results of whatever decision he made when he made the “fuel subsidy” statement,” the speaker continued. He continued by saying that President Buhari’s administration’s fault was allowing inept people to hold the same positions for eight years without replacing them.

He claims that “in certain ways, a president cannot make a mistake; this was the unfortunate aspect of Buhari’s presidency.” I’m sorry to inform you that it’s not conceivable to have people sit in the same place for 8 years without anyone moving; even when things weren’t working, nothing happened. It speaks a lot. The point is that, regardless of the choice he made—whether to include it in the speech or not, or whether someone objected to it while he wanted it in the speech—he must now live with the consequences. On another level, however, perhaps history will view his decision to bite the bullet now as wise.

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