‘Sani Has 24 Hrs To Answer’ – Mixed Reactions As Wike Tackles Shehu Sani, Ozekhome In Public

Mixed reactions have trailed several comments Minister of Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nyesom Wike made to Mike Ozekhome, Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) and former Senator, Shehu Sani at an event in Abuja, on Thursday, June 27. Wike, who was an awardee at This Nigeria Lecture and Award accused Ozekhome and Sani who were previous speakers of denying democratic gains the country has made....Read The Full Story Here ▶

The theme of the event was “25 Years of Unbroken Democracy – Challenges, Prospects and Possibilities”.

“Ladies and gentlemen, yes I am an awardee but also a Nigerian. It will be wrong sitting here without correcting some impressions. We are talking about 25 years of democracy; we know we have challenges. I expected the lecturer to also speak of progress. But the lecture was just about criticism, nothing was said about progress. Are you telling me that no single progress was made? We can say there is progress but there’s need for improvement.

“Just like Shehu Sanu said they were locked up and detained. But that doesn’t happen under this democracy; that’s progress. You have spoken about infrastructural development in FCT, that’s progress. So I just said I should say the fact. And again, the fact that you people are activists does not mean that you would do well in power. Activists have failed.”

Pointing towards Shehu Sani, Wike asked, “When you were in Senate, how did you perform?”

Then to Ozekhome, he asked, “As an activist, how many times have you rejected briefs? Those who rigged election, how many times have you defended them? It’s not about postulating all the time.”

Sani and Ozekhome did not have the time to react to Wike.

The video that has since gone viral has drawn reactions from Nigerians.

ose_tamuno said: sani has 24 hrs to answer

princete33 commented: Wike will say the truth and it is up to you to admit

gdnwrex wrote: Na only road construction una the use rate development

la_mansion_hov said: You wike don’t know Nigerians are suffering, if you know you will let rivers state grow

ajilitymiracle commented: In his mind, he sounds smart. Shamelessness

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