Steave Portel Clinches First French Championship Title in Men’s 45-Year-Old Category

Titled in the final of the men’s 45 year old category after abandoningAlexandre Martinatto (6/1, 1-0 ab.) Steave Portel won his very first French championship title. A satisfaction, coupled with a desire to continue on this path. “I have been participating in the French championships since I was 12, in all categories, so I have been waiting a long time for a national title.,” Told Steave Portel (2/6, IDF) the day after its prestigious success....Read The Full Story Here ▶

A single set dropped en route to the final and an unprecedented victory, his preparation for the event bore fruit.

I arrived after winning the championships in Paris, then Île de France. I was very well prepared, I approached the competition with a lot of confidence. I was able to take my chance and it was a very good week,” said the person concerned.

Licensed from CA Vincennes, Steave Portel is also a coach there. This victory “represents a lot“for him who finally gets the Grail he has been waiting for so long.

I train a lot of young people who also participate in the French championships in their age categories, it’s a lot of pride in that regard. Now, I expect many more behind. For me, it’s the beginning I hope of a long series.“

The second title from 2025? The answer next June.

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