Tension In Kano As Rival Supporters Besiege Emir’s Palace As NBA-SLP Insists City Is Safe For Conference

There is tension in Kano as rival supporters of the Emir of Kano, Lamido Sanusi, and his deposed predecessor, Aminu Ado-Bayero, besieged the palace with dangerous weapons, as the deposed emir returned there Saturday morning. PREMIUM TIMES saw dozens of armed thugs at the palace amidst speculation that the reinstated Emir Lamido Sanusi was about to return to the palace. Some supporters were singing in support of the deposed emir while others wearing red caps, who are supporters of Mr Sanusi, were also making their presence felt. Many in the groups were armed with dangerous weapons....Read The Full Story Here ▶

Earlier, Governor Abba Yusuf ordered the arrest of Mr Ado-Bayero, for allegedly creating tension in the state.

However, amidst these assurances, questions linger regarding the safety of conference attendees and the feasibility of hosting such a gathering in a city rife with unrest. The recent statement by a lawyer, whose identity remains undisclosed, refuting claims of insecurity in Kano, clashes with the prevailing atmosphere of uncertainty.

In response to The NigeriaLawyer editorial titled Kano Tension Raises Concerns Over Safety Of 2024 NBA-SLP Conference Amid Royal Tussle, the planning committee for the 2024 Annual Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association Section on Legal Practice (NBA-SLP) has swiftly rebutted the skeptical comments that Kano is “unsafe” for the upcoming conference.

The NBA-SLP Annual Conference, themed, “Administration of Justice in Nigeria: Challenges and Reforms” is scheduled to hold from 2nd-5th June, 2024 in Kano city.

In its statement, the Committee said: “Our attention has been drawn to a false report being spread by some persons vide the social media alluding albeit in a clandestine motive, that Kano State of Nigeria is unsafe for the SLP Conference. That information is false as Kano State is well known to be peaceful and intelligence reports from recognised security agencies in Nigeria support our position. The purveyor of the false information is not a member of any of our security agencies, but rather a private individual with his personal views.”

The Committee further assured that the “kingship tussle in Kano as we know is already in court, suggestive of the fact that the great people of Kano do not settle dispute by killing.” The statement concludes, “So yes! Kano is safe for SLP- Serenity, Leisure and Peace abound therein, nothing to fear.”

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