There Is No God I Will Never Allow My Wife And Kids To Go To Church – Man Reveals

Junior, says that he doesn’t believe there is a God and will never allow his wife and kids to go to church. He is a member of the Global Atheist Republic, whose headquarters is in the USA....Read The Full Story Here ▶

According to a post in the newspaper, Kioi Junior says that he is comfortable living his life as an atheist. A father of one child, he says that while his wife and child can pray, he will never allow them to follow the teachings of the church in his house.

He says that if his child gets sick, he doesn’t pray but walks to the hospital and gets medication. He quoted many Bible verses that Christians read but do not follow.

Many people have been left talking, with many saying that only fools say there is no God.

Below are some of the comments:

Shem Muikia: “People should stop judging him because that is his own opinion.”
Mary Gacheri: “He is lost and should repent.”
Naming Soon: “He has a right to believe whatever he wants.”

Religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. Everyone has the freedom of worship, and the constitution allows the members of the public to worship whoever and however they want.

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