You are slowly damaging your brain when doing these 4 things


habits contribute to poor brain health, but four areas can have the most influence. They are too much sitting, lack of socializing, inadequate sleep, and chronic stress.

Our brain also needs appropriate nutrients at the appropriate time to function its best. Due to a fast-paced lifestyle, most of us avoid or end up skipping our breakfast to save some time in the early hours of the day. This leads to low sugar supply and poor nutrient supply to the brain. The brain needs pure glucose to function. Poor nutrition can have long term harmful effects on the brain like degeneration of the brain cells.

Sleep deprivation hinders the brain’s ability to perform normally. If you have ever lost your way home or forgotten your keys somewhere and cannot recollect where, then lack of sleep has probably been the culprit behind this temporary memory loss. Sleep deprivation leads to cognitive issues. Without enough sleep, certain brain cells die and it then becomes harder for you to remember things. Psychological issues can also crop up due to bad sleep or sleep disturbances. So make sure you get your daily dose of 7 hours of beauty, as well brain-friendly sleep


This is probably one of the most harmful habits that we indulge in, as smoking not only causes lung diseases or heart diseases, but it also leads to shrinkage of multiple cells in the brain and can lead to problems like dementia, Alzheimer’s and may be even death. Excessive smoking indirectly causes neuro-inflammation which can cause an autoimmune disorder called Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

We often fall ill when we are overworked. If during sickness too we continue working, then the brain’s efficacy is bound to take a dramatic hit. This will only add to the stress. When we are ill, the brain and body are already working extra hard to cope with the infection. Working on a sick day will only to add to the burden. So take a break, relax, recuperate.

As the saying goes, “all work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. Exercise makes you more flexible and increases mobility. Without enough exercise the mobility and brain’s power of movement reduces, and decreases stability and motor skills. Studies have shown exercise help to keep us younger by releasing happy hormones called endorphins. Not just the brain, but exercise strengthens your heart and lungs too.

Our brain is totally dependent on oxygen. The more you expose yourself to harmful chemicals or polluted and contaminated air, the lesser oxygen reaches the brain. Lack of adequate oxygen in the body may lead to death of cells in the brain. Studies in mice exposed to polluted air over a long run show physical damage to the brain. Time to get out to the park and breathe some fresh

air each day