Osimhen Too Important, NFF Be Careful – Okunnowo

Former Super Eagles international Gbenga Okunnowo has called on the NFF to handle the situation involving star forward Victor Osimhen with caution, emphasizing the importance of maintaining harmony within the team....Read The Full Story Here ▶

In an interview with Brila, Okunnowo suggested that Osimhen should be fined for any misconduct but warned against more severe punishments, such as a ban from playing for the national team.

“Our NFF should please handle this matter carefully. They should approach Osimhen with understanding and not in a confrontational way.

“They should also respect Finidi George’s role in this situation. Finidi is a mentor, and he needs to guide Osimhen because the boy is still growing and learning,” Okunnowo said.

The former Super Eagles defender stressed that Osimhen is a valuable player for the national team and should not be banned, despite the calls from some quarters for a harsher punishment.

He argued that a financial penalty would be a more appropriate response.

“I’ve heard some people suggesting a ban, but I don’t think that’s the right approach. The NFF should call Osimhen to order and impose a fine, not a ban.

“It’s essential to give him a reasonable fine and guide him back on track. Banning him would be counterproductive for the team,” he added.

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