We Saw The President Of Nigeria Almost Kneeling To Greet An Elder Statesman—Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed

During an interview with Arise TV, Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, the 2023 Labour Party vice presidential candidate, emphasised the importance of showing respect to others, particularly elder statesmen. He referenced a recent incident where President Tinubu was seen almost kneeling to greet an elder statesman, demonstrating a sense of humility and respect....Read The Full Story Here ▶

Baba-Ahmed contrasted this with the behaviour of some public figures, like Wole Soyinka, whom he believed had been insulting others.

He urged decent Nigerians to continue showing respect to others, even in the midst of political tensions and dynamics.

According to him, “Only three days ago, the whole world saw its own principal. I’m not here to call names; I wish I could finish this interview.

We saw the ongoing president of Nigeria almost kneeling to greet an elder statesman, while people like Soyinka are out there insulting others.

So in the heat, in the presence of all the politics, dynamics, and everything, decent Nigerians should continue to offer respect to others.

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