The Most Effective Method I Used To Fix My Potbelly at 37, I Hear Almost No One Talking About.

It changed my life....CONTINUE READING

I lost 30+ pounds in 6 months and have maintained abs for eight months, proof here.

I’m not saying this to brag or “try and get laid”, as one commenter put it, but rather to offer credibility to the conversation.

I’m the guy who tried everything under the sun. Paleo, Keto, 5/2, Vegan, skipping breakfast, you name it.

They worked poorly for me because it required cutting out certain food groups, which was too restrictive when everyday life events occurred, like being invited to dinner or weekends away; I’d crash and burn.

It didn’t suit the real world.

Everything changed once I used this standard method for losing weight but added some key ingredients to ensure it worked.

When I sprinkled them into my framework, it worked like a wizard’s potion.

Let’s dive in.

Authors Remark: I’m not a certified health and fitness expert — But as you can see, fitness, self-research, and using myself as a case study is my passion and the information contained in this article is all based on my personal experience, self-taught knowledge and deep research.
Cut your intake and crank up the motion.

The subtitle above should be as obvious as a slap in the face.

It’s frustrating when credible “experts” try to sound edgy with “new” or “groundbreaking information” about weight loss.

It’s simple: Eat less, move more.

But take Doctor Tim Spector, featured on The Diary of A CEO, who says exercise doesn’t help weight loss and that we must “Stop obsessing about calories; there’s never been any long-term study showing that calorie counting is an effective way to lose weight and maintain weight loss after the first few weeks.”

When I watched the episode above, I face-planted the palm of my hand. It felt like it was in aid of trying to get views and hook you in, but it’s a message confusing…