Eagles Job: Go For Quality Coach, Chukwu Tells NFF

A former handler of the Super Eagles, Christian Chukwu, has warned the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) against the appointment of a low-quality coach for the national team. Chukwu, a former captain of the national team, particularly criticised the recent hiring and sacking of Finidi George within less than a month....Read The Full Story Here ▶

He described the situation as dishonouring and called for the NFF to make more considered decisions. “The NFF has decided to appoint a foreign head coach, and he must be both tactically and technically ready to take the Eagles to the next levels. We must ensure that our coaching appointments are well thought out and respectful to the individuals involved so that we do not have the kind of bad situation that happened with Finidi.

A coach who can deliver on all fronts, not the one who will neglect our local league and the players. he must be made to stay here and contribute to the development of our football,” he said. Chukwu said the precarious situation the Eagles have found themselves in the World Cup qualifiers is unfortunate but enjoined Nigerians to rally behind the team as the team can still salvage their campaign.

“We can’t blame anyone for poor performance; it’s part of the game. We win some, we lose some. But we must put in more energy and focus, especially with AFCON qualifiers and World Cup qualifiers on the horizon.

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