BREAKING: Governor Alia Mourns Former Benue Military Administrator Adebayo Lawal

Benue State Governor, Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Alia, has expressed deep sorrow over the passing of former Benue State Military Governor AVM Adebayo Lawal (retired), who died at 83....Read The Full Story Here ▶

AVM Lawal served as the Military Administrator of Benue State from July 1978 to October 1979. In a condolence message released by his Chief Press Secretary, Tersoo Kula, Governor Alia praised Lawal’s significant role in transitioning Benue State from military to democratic rule. He remembered Lawal as a dedicated military officer, businessman, philanthropist, and former Minister of Youths and Sports.

Governor Alia prayed for comfort for Lawal’s family and the people of Benue and Kwara States, and for the deceased’s eternal rest.

A delegation led by Deputy Governor Barr. Sam Ode has visited Lagos to convey the state’s condolences to Lawal’s family. Lawal has been buried according to Islamic rites.

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